Julian and Friedemann very much enjoyed the Kavli Neuroscience extended workshop “Theories of neural computations in the era of large-scale recordings” in Trondheim. Thanks again to all the organizers and participants for a truly stimulatingContinue reading
Tag: talk
Online workshop: Spiking neural networks as universal function approximators
Dan Goodman and myself are organizing an online workshop on new approaches to training spiking neural networks, Aug 31st / Sep 1st 2020. Invited speakers: Sander Bohte (CWI), Iulia M. Comsa (Google), Franz Scherr (TUG), Emre Neftci (UC Irvine),Continue reading
Talk: Bench to Bedside Symposium at Uni Basel
On Friday 7th February 2020, 09:00, Friedemann will talk about “Building functional neural networks in-silico” at the Bench to Bedside Symposium at Uni Basel Pharmazentrum, Hörsaal 1, Klingelbergstrasse 50/70, 4056 Basel.
Talk at “Event-based Asynchronous Neuro-Cognitive Control” Symposium in Amsterdam
On Wednesday August 28th 2019 I am luck to be able to give a talk at the “Event-based Asynchronous Neuro-Cognitive Control” Symposium in Amsterdam which is kindly organized by Sander Bohte, Aditya Gilra, Qinghai Guo,Continue reading
Symposium: Event-based Asynchronous Neuro-Cognitive Control
On Wednesday August 28th 2019 Friedemann will give a talk at the “Event-based Asynchronous Neuro-Cognitive Control” Symposium in Amsterdam which is kindly organized by Sander Bohte, Aditya Gilra, Qinghai Guo, and J. Camilo Vasquez Tieck.Continue reading
Neuroplasticity meeting “From Bench to Machine Learning” in July in Guildford, UK
Mark the date for the Neuroplasticity meeting “From Bench to Machine Learning” at the University of Surrey, UK (13 July 2018 – 14 July 2018). http://www.ias.surrey.ac.uk/workshops/Neuroplasticity/ This meeting has some really cool speakers which IContinue reading
Talk at University of Bristol on Friday 23rd of February 2018
I am looking forward to give a talk on the role of Rapid Compensatory Processes for learning and memory on Friday, 23rd of February 2018 at 1pm at the University of Bristol. Title: Making CellContinue reading
Talk in Oxford on Rapid Compensatory Processes
I am delighted to get the chance to present my work on learning in spiking neural networks next week (Tuesday, 17 October 2017, 1pm to 2pm) in Oxford at the “EP Cognitive and Behavioural NeuroscienceContinue reading
ICML Talk on “Continual Learning Through Synaptic Intelligence”
I am looking forward to presenting our work on synaptic consolidation at ICML in Sydney this year. The talk will be held on Tue Aug 8th 11:06–11:24 AM @ Darling Harbour Theatre. Ben and IContinue reading