Computational neuroscience at the FMI (now hiring)

I am very excited to start my research group at the FMI in Basel, Switzerland in June 2019. My group will conduct research on learning and memory at the intersection of computational neuroscience and machine learning. The lab will be embedded in the exciting, collaborative environment of the existing neurobiology groups at the FMI.

More information on our lab website

The team

I am currently looking for potential candidates who are passionate about neuroscience and computation. To tackle the problems we are interested in, we often have to be creative and apply analytical and computational tools from other areas. This creative mix includes, but is by no means limited to: dynamical systems, control theory, and machine learning. Ideal candidates should be curious about the neural underpinnings of computation and learning, but should also enjoy taking on difficult math and coding problems.

Topics of interest include:

  • Neural networks (both spiking and non-spiking)
  • Synaptic plasticity and homeostasis
  • Biologically plausible deep credit assignment
  • Complex synapses for continual learning

PhD opportunities

There are currently several PhD positions with competitive salaries available in my lab starting from June 2019. PhD students will work on projects centered around plastic neural networks and will typically be involved in at least one experimental collaboration. If the above applies to you, and you would like to work and learn in an international and interdisciplinary environment, please consider applying.

Applicants will go through the FMI PhD program selection process. Application deadlines are on Nov 16th and May 1st with the associated hiring days in late January and June, respectively.

Note for applicants: When applying under “Specific Scientific Interests” my name currently does not show up in the drop down menu. Instead select “Keller, G.” twice and indicate your preference in the field below.

Other opportunities

I am always looking for apt candidates who are interested in an internship, a master thesis or a post-doc. In case you are interested, I am always happy to discuss.

4 thoughts on “Computational neuroscience at the FMI (now hiring)

  1. i’m a 76 year old retired plumber. i’m trying to learn as much as possible about neuro-plasticity. my main learning source is the internet using verious search augments. for some reason i’m attracted to leaning about the brain. just fascinating stuff.
    where do i begin? thanks bob from cape cod

    1. Thanks for your unexpected comment. You could start, for instance, with easy read books a bit on the memory side:
      “In Search of Memory — The Emergence of a New Science of Mind” by Eric R. Kandel
      “Permanent Present Tense — The Unforgettable Life of the Amnesic Patient, H.M” Suzanne Corkin
      Or somewhat heavier on the textbook style:
      “Principles of Neural Science” Kandel, Schwartz, Jessell
      At the more theoretical level, I would recommend the textooks by Dayan & Abbott and Gerstner & Kistler, some of which are available online for free (see Hope that helps.

  2. Dear Dr.Zenke,

    Do you consider applicants without a degree in computational neuroscience, machine learning/statistics as potential postdoctoral fellows? In particular, I imply scientists from related quantitative fields but without specific knowledge of neuroscience.

    I apologise in advance for asking this question in the public comments section. I suppose that this information might be of interest to all prospective candidates.

    Best regards,

    1. Thanks for the question. Generally, yes, of course. However, in detail it depends on the specific case and how well the fellow’s proposal aligns with the overall research in the lab.

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