We are looking for an intrepid Ph.D. candidate to work on theoretical models of predictive processing and learning. This collaborative project with the Keller Lab is based on the hypothesis that cortical circuits build modelsContinue reading
Talk at “Functional network dynamics: Recent mathematical perspectives” workshop CNS 2019, Barcelona
Thanks to the organizers for inviting me to the “Functional network dynamics: Recent mathematical perspectives” workshop at CNS this year. I am very much looking forward to our discussions. https://matthieugilson.eu/events/workshop_CNS2019.html Update: Apologies again that myContinue reading
Talk at “Neuroscience meets Deep Learning” Symposium at EPF Lausanne
I am stoked for the EPFL Neurosymposium “Neuroscience meets Deep Learning” next week. July 8th to July 9th 2019 in Lausanne, Switzerland https://neurosymposiumsummer2019.epfl.ch/ I will talk about: “Credit assignment in space and time — TrainingContinue reading
zenkelab.org online
My lab’s website zenkelab.org is online! Moreover, I am looking for PhD students. If you are interested apply for the May 1st 2019 deadline.
Cosyne 2019
Happy times and discussions about systems neuroscience at the beach where future members of the Zenke Lab met with FMI’s Friedrich Lab delegation in Portugal.
Tutorial on surrogate gradient learning in spiking networks online
Please try this at home! I just put up a beta version of a tutorial showing how to train spiking neural networks with surrogate gradients using PyTorch: https://github.com/fzenke/spytorch Emre, Hesham, and myself are planning toContinue reading
Auryn 0.8.2 released
I am happy to announce a long overdue maintenance release of Auryn v0.8.2m with plenty of fixes and improvements. Most notable improvement are the added support for non x86 architectures such as Arm and PowerPC.Continue reading
Cosyne 2019 — Talks & poster resources
I am eagerly anticipating fun discussions at Cosyne 2019. We have a poster at the main meeting and I will give two talks at the workshops. If biological learning and spiking neural networks tickle yourContinue reading
Computational neuroscience at the FMI (now hiring)
I am very excited to start my research group at the FMI in Basel, Switzerland in June 2019. My group will conduct research on learning and memory at the intersection of computational neuroscience and machineContinue reading
Bernstein Satellite Workshop on “Emergent function in non-random neural networks”
Mark the dates September 25th-26th for our Bernstein Satellite Workshop on “Networks which do stuff” which Guillaume Hennequin, Tim Vogels and myself are organizing this year at the Bernstein meeting in Berlin. Abstract Computation inContinue reading