Thrilled to share the latest results on learning in multi-layer spiking networks using biologically plausible surrogate gradients at the “Third workshop on advanced methods in theoretical neuroscience” at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics andContinue reading
SuperSpike: Supervised learning in spiking neural networks — paper and code published
I am happy to announce that the SuperSpike paper and code are finally published. Here is an example of a network with one hidden layer which is learning to produce a Radcliffe Camera spike trainContinue reading
Talk at TU Berlin on Network and Plasticity Dynamics
I am delighted to get the chance to present my work on learning in spiking neural networks on Tuesday, 15th of May 2018 at 10:15am at TU Berlin. Title: What can we learn about synapticContinue reading
Neuroplasticity meeting “From Bench to Machine Learning” in July in Guildford, UK
Mark the date for the Neuroplasticity meeting “From Bench to Machine Learning” at the University of Surrey, UK (13 July 2018 – 14 July 2018). This meeting has some really cool speakers which IContinue reading
Talk at University of Bristol on Friday 23rd of February 2018
I am looking forward to give a talk on the role of Rapid Compensatory Processes for learning and memory on Friday, 23rd of February 2018 at 1pm at the University of Bristol. Title: Making CellContinue reading
Talk in Oxford on Rapid Compensatory Processes
I am delighted to get the chance to present my work on learning in spiking neural networks next week (Tuesday, 17 October 2017, 1pm to 2pm) in Oxford at the “EP Cognitive and Behavioural NeuroscienceContinue reading
ICML Talk on “Continual Learning Through Synaptic Intelligence”
I am looking forward to presenting our work on synaptic consolidation at ICML in Sydney this year. The talk will be held on Tue Aug 8th 11:06–11:24 AM @ Darling Harbour Theatre. Ben and IContinue reading
Supervised learning in multi-layer spiking neural networks
We just put a conference paper version of “SuperSpike”, our work on supervised learning in multi-layer spiking neural networks to the arXiv As always I am keen to get your feedback.
The temporal paradox of Hebbian learning and homeostatic plasticity
I am happy that our article on “The temporal paradox of Hebbian learning and homeostatic plasticity” was just published in Current Opinion in Neurobiology (full text). This article essentially concisely presents the main arguments forContinue reading
Role of complex synapses in continual learning
Excited that our preprint “Improved multitask learning through synaptic intelligence” just went life on the arXiv ( This article, by Ben Poole, Surya and myself, illustrates the benefits of complex synaptic dynamics on continual learningContinue reading