Surrogate gradients (SGs) are empirically successful at training spiking neural networks (SNNs). But why do they work so well, and what is their theoretical basis? In our new preprint led by Julia, we answer theseContinue reading
Tag: spiking networks
Paper: Latent Predictive Learning
Our paper “The combination of Hebbian and predictive plasticity learns invariant object representations in deep sensory networks” is now published in Nature Neuroscience. Sensory networks in our brain represent environmental objects as points onContinue reading
Talk at Intel’s Neuromorphic Community Fall Workshop in Graz Austria
I am thrilled to present our new data sets ( for the systematic evaluation of spiking neural networks at Intel’s Neuromorphic Community Fall workshop in Graz, Austria with a sizeable fraction of the spiking neuralContinue reading
Talk at TU Berlin on Network and Plasticity Dynamics
I am delighted to get the chance to present my work on learning in spiking neural networks on Tuesday, 15th of May 2018 at 10:15am at TU Berlin. Title: What can we learn about synapticContinue reading
Supervised learning in multi-layer spiking neural networks
We just put a conference paper version of “SuperSpike”, our work on supervised learning in multi-layer spiking neural networks to the arXiv As always I am keen to get your feedback.
Upcoming talk at COSYNE workshop “Learning in multi-layer spiking neural networks”
I am very much looking forward to presenting some recent work with Surya on learning in spiking neural networks at the CoSyNe workshop “Deep learning” and the brain (6.20–6.50p on Monday, 27 February 2017 inContinue reading