New paper led by Tianlin Liu on “Finding sparse trainable neural networks through Neural Tangent Transfer” (and code) which was accepted at ICML. In the paper we leverage the neural tangent kernel to instantiate sparse neuralContinue reading
Paper: Surrogate gradients for analog neuromorphic computing
Update (22.01.2022): Now published as Cramer, B., Billaudelle, S., Kanya, S., Leibfried, A., Grübl, A., Karasenko, V., Pehle, C., Schreiber, K., Stradmann, Y., Weis, J., et al. (2022). Surrogate gradients for analog neuromorphic computing. PNASContinue reading
Talk: Bench to Bedside Symposium at Uni Basel
On Friday 7th February 2020, 09:00, Friedemann will talk about “Building functional neural networks in-silico” at the Bench to Bedside Symposium at Uni Basel Pharmazentrum, Hörsaal 1, Klingelbergstrasse 50/70, 4056 Basel.
Paper: Surrogate Gradient Learning in Spiking Neural Networks
“Bringing the Power of Gradient-based optimization to spiking neural networks” We are happy to announce that our tutorial paper on Surrogate Gradient Learning in spiking neural networks now appeared in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.Continue reading
Perspective: A deep learning framework for neuroscience
Our perspective paper on how systems neuroscience can benefit from deep learning was published today. In work led by Blake Richards, Tim Lillicrap, and Konrad Kording, we argue that focusing on the three core elements usedContinue reading
Preprint: The Heidelberg spiking datasets for the systematic evaluation of spiking neural networks
Update (2020-12-30) Now published: Cramer, B., Stradmann, Y., Schemmel, J., and Zenke, F. (2020). The Heidelberg Spiking Data Sets for the Systematic Evaluation of Spiking Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning SystemsContinue reading
Talk at CRC10180 Symposium MPI for Brain Research in Frankfurt
I am very excited to be invited to present at the CRC 1080 International Symposium on homeostatic plasticity at the MPI for Brain research in Frankfurt, Germany on Friday 25th of October 2019. More detailsContinue reading
Talk at Intel’s Neuromorphic Community Fall Workshop in Graz Austria
I am thrilled to present our new data sets ( for the systematic evaluation of spiking neural networks at Intel’s Neuromorphic Community Fall workshop in Graz, Austria with a sizeable fraction of the spiking neuralContinue reading
Talk at “Event-based Asynchronous Neuro-Cognitive Control” Symposium in Amsterdam
On Wednesday August 28th 2019 I am luck to be able to give a talk at the “Event-based Asynchronous Neuro-Cognitive Control” Symposium in Amsterdam which is kindly organized by Sander Bohte, Aditya Gilra, Qinghai Guo,Continue reading
Symposium: Event-based Asynchronous Neuro-Cognitive Control
On Wednesday August 28th 2019 Friedemann will give a talk at the “Event-based Asynchronous Neuro-Cognitive Control” Symposium in Amsterdam which is kindly organized by Sander Bohte, Aditya Gilra, Qinghai Guo, and J. Camilo Vasquez Tieck.Continue reading